
So I've been with my fiance for almost 2 yrs. We are getting married in 4 months, we have communication skills. Everytime he says something about what I did I get mad and vice versa. I know this isn't healthy but we are trying like hell. It seems like we've been put through this huge test the past yr. His father just passed so we are trying to get past that.
I feel bad though because I am feeling angry all of the time, not sure what, why or how. He's to the point where he is saying that I need to go talk with someone to figure this out because he doesn't know what to do anymore. I don't want to lose him, I just need to stop dwelling on everything and not take things so personally. But it's extremely hard for me to do that, any suggestions?

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Mar 07, 2012
Love conquers all, but only if it is really love
by: Anonymous

So do yourself and your fiance a favor.... get counseling, (either by yourself or as a couple, or better yet, BOTH private and couple counseling).
If there is anger and frustration at this level, it will not improve once the "I do's" have been said.
If you both truly love each other, then this will only strengthen your bond, but if this is a sign that something just isn't right, canceling wedding plans is easier, safer, cheaper and better than a divorce.
And remember this one important thing.... Love doesn't hurt... if it hurts, it is not love.

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