Take Risks For Confidence?

Which comes first? Taking risk or confidence?

Are you a risk taker? If you're working on your confidence, you may not be. So, do you think you need to have confidence prior to being able to take risks?

What if I told you that taking risks can be a great way to build your confidence?

I have an interesting concept to share with you. It’s the idea that risk taking and confidence are connected. The basic idea behind confidence is to believe in yourself enough to go after those things you want. That takes courage. That takes putting yourself out there with things like an unproven concept and an idea that could possibly be ridiculed. Voicing your ideas and taking action means taking a risk.

The reverse is also true. When you allow yourself to take risks and step outside your comfort zone, you start to think more confidently. Taking a risk means going all in. It means that you’re fully committed and you’re probably a little excited as well. That gets your brain fired up and helps you make connections that you wouldn’t see otherwise.

Taking a risk also means that you have something to lose. Our minds are very good at avoiding pain. This could be physical or mental pain. That means that if you take a risk and put yourself out there, your mind will do everything it can to reduce or eliminate the pain or risk of pain. This is where you either get stuck fearing failure or you get creative and find yourself coming up with solutions you wouldn’t have come up with otherwise. The trick is to focus on what you have to gain, not what you have to lose. That is another way of saying you have confidence about what you want and your ability to achieve it.

Here’s the perfect example. Let’s say you’re running your own business and you risk your income by investing in a new marketing course or hiring a business coach. The expense may be a stretch and, if it doesn’t pay off, you may not have the money you need to pay your employees or yourself. That’s a pretty big risk.

It’s also the type of scenario where you find yourself going through the material in record time and implementing everything you learn. It’s the time when you work closely with your coach and hustle to grow your business. The risk is lighting a fire under you and making you work harder, and more importantly, making you come up with creative ideas to make up the expense. In order words, you're forced to believe in yourself to make it work.

When you take risks and focus on what you want, you'll end up tapping into the confidence you already have deep inside, and you'll see huge growth in your business, in your personal life, and in yourself. Isn’t that worth getting a little uncomfortable for?

Start thinking about where you want to see growth in your own life. What problems are you facing? Don’t be afraid to take a risk. Stop always playing it safe and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what your mind will do to reward you for the risks taken.

You'll also be learning new skills and seeing more effective ways of doing tasks. All these things increase your confidence as well and the more confidence you have, the more you believe in yourself and the easier it becomes to achieve all your dreams. 

Go for it!

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