What if...
by Lauren
What if it's none of those things you said up there {Feel Angry All The Time}
What if you're angry at all the idiots around you? People that can't drive, people that are dumb, people that are rude, parents that can't parent their kids, people that whine about stuff when it's their own fault and they're the ones doing it to themselves. What if you're just angry at the state of things and you think it's messed up when people think you have an anger problem when what you're really angry at is them? What if you're fine when you're by yourself but as soon as you get around any one else then you feel the quiet anger burning inside you? I can't stand most people, I feel like I am an angry person... but there's nothing I can do about it. I hate bad kids, I hate people that expect different results and do the same old tired things they always do. I'm tired of being labeled as angry when all the people around me are messed up beyond belief and come whining to me for answers and get pissed when I give them the cold hard truth. I'm tired of people that have a bunch of kids and then complain when they can't feed them and whine that the government took away some of their food stamps. I hate that just because I can keep my legs closed and not have a bunch of brats I can't support, the government refuses to help someone like me. I go to work every day and bust my ass to try and get a little bit ahead. Then you have people living in a trailer park with 6 kids who never go to work and get to sit and watch cable tv, and I don't have a pot to piss in. Why should they get the chance to breed and pass on their genes? If the government didn't give handouts to a bunch of slackers, them and their kids wouldn't even be alive. I'm sick of hearing about some stupid kid that killed their selves because of bullies at school. Then all of a sudden the parents want to get upset and pay attention to their kid and try to get the bullies in trouble with the law. If your kid doesn't have enough value on life to not go and kill their selves because of jerks at school, something is wrong with that child and those parents should have been paying attention and got their kid counseling long before. I was ridiculed in school along with being chronically sick, I didn't go and off myself. I'm tired of drug addicts (illegal and prescribed) that just think there is a pill for everything. Oh because I'm "angry" something is wrong with me and I need a drug for it. Maybe we all should be a little angry, maybe things would actually get done, and somethings that needed to change would. Why is there something automatically wrong with me because I'm angry? Maybe it's every one else... Maybe they should be angry, and their just not because everyone tells them they shouldn't be, or their just too stupid.