Need some advise

by Joel Ng
(Madrid Spain)

Hi Catherine,

My name is Joel Ng and I am Malaysian citizen. I live in Madrid Spain with my wife.

Thanks god that I have found your website and it really help me when through all my problem but there is still something that I could not pass the past life page and look forward to the future. This is my story below.

On my childhood, I had been abused by my grandmother and my uncles (my father family side). Always got beat up and bullied, they said that the reason they beat me up, is that everything was my fault and my parents are deaf & mute.

I have seen two very bad things happen when I was 10 years old. First thing is that, a women jump out from the floor 25 to the ground. It can see the entire organ and all the body was separated from the body. Second it was that a neighbour hanged himself for 2 weeks and it was very smelly and on the ground was full with blood. So I am agoraphobia to bloods.

When I was 11 years old in the early morning like around 06.00 am. My grandmother beat me up with a wood for the reason that I haven’t go back home for a few days. I was lived in the street for a few days because I was afraid to go back to my grandmother house. I had been mistreated for 18 years.

My mother is like an angel, she always support me and love me very much. She said that she was unable to help in front of my grandmother when my grandmother beat me up.

So when I was small, I said to myself that I will have to leave Malaysia to survive. I went to Ireland when I was 18 years old by myself. For the 5 years lived in Ireland, it was very difficult for a young boy to learn everything by it self. I have learned how to stand my own feet and independent. I meet my wife in Ireland and she always supports me. But still past my hurt did not go yet.

Please Catherine help me or guide me how to pass the past life page and look forward to the future.

Much appreciate for your help and looking forward to hear from you.

Best regards,

Joel Ng

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