Lots to deal with
by Darlene
I am dealing with a husband and his 16 year old daughter who are narcisstic. They both blame me for everything!! My step-daughter has hated me since my husband and I first met and has caused problems between us (also her mom and her boyfriend) and does not see her dad anymore bc of it. There is a lot more than the narcissism going on with both of them--or maybe it is the narcissism at work. The longer I am with my husband--we have been together for almost 4 years-married for almost 1 year--the more things I see and "catch on" to. He manipulates everyone and will do whatever it takes to get his way with everyone. It is sick to watch him work his "magic" with people. I am a big believer of trust and honesty and I get none of this with him. He hides things from me and lies out the a** to me and tells me I don't know what I am ever talking about when he has been "caught". He sneaks around to see and call his daughter even and then lies about it. He erases all his phone calls from his phone--he made sure to get a business phone so I can't keep track of his calls bc I was checking them bc he would lie to me about it when I asked him. His daughter has lied about me to everyone and spread rumors about me and my husband believes her and everyone else's lis. I am put at the bottom of his list of priorities---actually I don't think I am even on the list at all--until he wants sex!! His family all hate me bc they don't know the "real" him and they have no idea the truth. All they see and hear is his fun-loving great side--which only comes out for them and certain people. It was there when we first met but quickly vanished. I have been doing sooo much to work on myself and to change and he refuses and says he doesn't need to change and won't change....
My 5 kids have been "bullied" by him and lied about from his daughter -- she has blamed them for everything, especially my oldest daughter. There is sooo much more but..... It is sooo unreal it is hard for me to wrap my brain around it. To think these people actually don't have a conscience and treat people this way and have no remorse. Where's the empathy?