Letting Go of Unhealthy Friendships
I'm 26, newly married, and I try to avoid confrontation at all costs.
Over the years, I have had a negative and rocky friendship with a girl that started in middle school. We were in a group of four girls- we often referred to ourselves as the "core-four." (super cheesy, I know)
Basically, she has betrayed me many different times in my life and finally, I reached my breaking point when I wasn't asked to be a part of her wedding and the other two girls from our little group were. I realized that this is a person that really makes me feel bad about myself and I no longer want her in my life. I was kinda hoping that she would disappear from my thoughts all together, but that hasn't happened.
This is difficult as she is still very much a part of my other very good friends' lives. In fact, one of the girls will be getting married soon as she is worried that it will be awkward between us- I have convinced her that it won't (I lied and I'm very worried about this inevitable encounter, but being the passive aggressive person that I am, I would like to stick this in a drawer and forget about it until it's fixed.)
It's been about two years since we've talked and I need closure. I'm struggling and looking for guidance in learning how to let go.
Please help.