i feel i am loosing myself

by Surabhi

hi i am an indian. i love a guy and we want to get married but our parents are strongly aganinst our relationship. They have even verbally abused each other when they met.i and my friend decided to breakup but after sharing a 5 year long relationship we could not stick to our decisions.

I dont know what to do now my parents think that everything between us have finished but we are still seeing each other and want to spend life together.

we both have completed our studies and are working but want to flee coz it will bring embarassment to both of our parents.
i am really confused that what i am doing is right or wrong as if i listen to my parents i feel i am cheating myself as i love that guy and i know we will stay happy together and if i dont y hard listen to them and continue this relationship i feel that i am cheating my parents.

I am losing my self confidence i dont want to lose either of them .

it has become very hard for to handle this situation i think i am losing myself .

please help me i have nobody to whome i can talk about this.

Comments for i feel i am loosing myself

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Mar 09, 2016
love is blind before marrige
by: irshad

i will not give any suggestion or decision but share some experienced based knowledge.

1.Parents are not always right. It is you to decide right or wrong.
2.Real love comes only after marriage,if before it is only attraction but very strong .

Apr 02, 2013
dont do this
by: Anonymous

listen surabhi never ever think that u will live happy life wid tht guy without your parents happiness. its not love its a lust well m going,throuh ths so plz take my advise smetime we need to listen our brain except heart and ur parents gave u their life nd that guy gave u only 5 year so whose love bigger think nd do wht u should do time heals everything maybw there would be anotheron better then him so dont make ur parent sad and be cheated.

Sep 23, 2010
Don't Give up
by: Anonymous

It seems like you have a lot of respect towards your parents and that's very good! it said a lot about the type of person you are, on the other hand, you are already an adult and as an adult; you need to start making decisions for yourself. You need to think about your future and what you want from life. Your parents already lived their life which ever way they did. They can't live your life and you can't live their. I understand that your culture condemns some of this stuff, but what's more important your happiness or what others think about you? life is too short to be worrying about others. If you don't make the right decision, which is being with the man you love, you will be miserable for the rest of you life. If this guy is the love your life, don't lose him. Move somewhere else and live the life you deserve to live.

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