i feel i am loosing myself
by Surabhi
hi i am an indian. i love a guy and we want to get married but our parents are strongly aganinst our relationship. They have even verbally abused each other when they met.i and my friend decided to breakup but after sharing a 5 year long relationship we could not stick to our decisions.
I dont know what to do now my parents think that everything between us have finished but we are still seeing each other and want to spend life together.
we both have completed our studies and are working but want to flee coz it will bring embarassment to both of our parents.
i am really confused that what i am doing is right or wrong as if i listen to my parents i feel i am cheating myself as i love that guy and i know we will stay happy together and if i dont y hard listen to them and continue this relationship i feel that i am cheating my parents.
I am losing my self confidence i dont want to lose either of them .
it has become very hard for to handle this situation i think i am losing myself .
please help me i have nobody to whome i can talk about this.