How can you re-build self-esteem? And is it truly possible to do that in a year?

by Lost in thought
(Houston, Texas)

With the thought of the new year comes an exhaustive list of all the things a person sets out to do in the new year, most of which rarely gets accomplished. I'm wondering how to not only set personal goals in 2013 but those focused on self-esteem. All the stuff written in psychology books say that self-esteem is formed over time since birth. Can anyone explain if re-building or changing one's ingrained self-esteem is truly possible? And if so, how can we start today? Thanks in advance for reading my comment and offering some much needed insight on this topic!

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Jan 06, 2013
Rebuild yoursel
by: Anonymous

Yes, I do think self- esteem can be rebulit. Since self-esteem can be lost or reduced; I feel it most certainty can be rebuilt. One should first take a deep look inside to figure out what has caused this low level of self esteem. Once the cause has been figured out, one should then begin taking steps to fix said problem. That may be talking to a counselor, confronting family members or friends that have hurt you, seeking a stronger spiritual relationship with a higher power, or begin confronting fears. For example, if you feel you want to loose weight, begin with a small walk and work your way up to longer exercise times and more difficult workouts. Another way to help build self-esteem is to make a list of all the positive things about yourself that you feel and all the positive compliments others have given you. For example, maybe a former teacher told you your handwriting was pretty or maybe a random person in the grocery store complimented you on an outfit. That outfit compliment may have helped you to realize that a certain color or style looks good on you. That's a positive. One must remember that real change is a process. It takes time. However, it can be done and self-esteem can be re-built.

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