
by Anonymous Submission

i am playing table tennnis and before every competition i am afraid that i will lose and people would laugh/talk bad things etc about that. I am afraid that i won't play good,or that i will look bad when i am playing. How can i solve this?

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Jul 19, 2010
Believe in yourself!
by: Birdie


You don't seem to have much self confidence. You need to think to yourself that you're going to do well on this match. Thinking positive will bring out the confidence in you. And if you Lose the match, at least you know that you have given all that you have. Keep your head up high and don't let others bring you down! I believe you'll do great and I'm cheering for you ( cyberly)! :)

Feb 02, 2010
by: Catherine, www.Life-With-Confidence.com

Listen to what you're telling yourself. You don't want to lose, you don't want to look bad.

When you hear yourself having those type of thoughts tell yourself, "cancel, cancel, cancel" or "not helpful". Then, change what you're thinking about. Right now, you're concentrating on what you don't want. Turn it around. What do you want? You want to play your best. How can you do that? What do you need to do in order to play well? Focus on what you want to do.

Right now, you're letting your fear thoughts take over your thinking. You need to take back control of your thoughts. So, start with listening to what you're telling yourself and then make the decision to think the thoughts that help you move towards what you want rather than just trying to avoid things. As long as you're focusing on what you don't want, you get stuck just feeling bad and you can't move forwards. So, listen to what you're telling yourself and then choose to think about something else (something positive and helpful)

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