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Boost your confidence in 2 minutes?
May 15, 2018

The Life With Confidence Ezine

In This Issue

  • Boost your confidence or personal power in two minutes
  • My First Video - showing you how to implement a better mood in 2 minutes.
  • Are You Struggling With Personal Boundaries?
  • Can't find time to fit in one more thing including meditation?
  • This week's motivational quote

    Boost Your Confidence Or Personal Power In 2 Minutes

    Want a boost of confidence? Or how about a boost in your personal power? We all do, don't we?

    Now, wouldn't it be amazing if we could do that anytime we wanted and in just two minutes?

    Well, I found this fascinating psychology article where he says you can boost your confidence by altering your hormones. And, it only takes two minutes to do.

    He uses a few different methods to achieve the results. Even holding a pen in your mouth while you're working can work. How amazing is that?

    And, you're not going to want to hunch over your keyboard writing emails anymore after you read this article.

    I'm bad for "hunching" and I'm now experimenting with straightening up and seeing how it affects my mood and my creativity. Guess what? It's working! It's amazing what a few minor tweaks in posture can do to your self-confidence.

    Have a look at the entire article:

    Boost Your Personal Power

    It's definitely worth a try.

    It'd be fantastic to use when you're about to go on an interview or any other stressful situation. But, the best part is that it can be done in two minutes.

    Watch My First Video - Personal Power Boost Tip

    I just made my very first video EVER to describe just one of the tips from the above article. I call it the personal power boost tip because you'll see how you can boost your confidence in two minutes just by doing this one super simple thing.

    Video is only 3 minutes long so it's quick to watch.

    You can check it out here:
    Confidence Power Boost Tip

    Are You Struggling With Personal Boundaries?

    Another good article on the same psychology site is this one about how to develop your personal boundaries so people don't take advantage of your good nature:
    Build Better Boundaries

    It talks about why people find it so hard to say "No" to others and how to reframe it for yourself so you feel more comfortable standing up for yourself.

    He also talks about why if you're too forgiving of a person that could be causing some of your problems.

    He also provides a useful strategy called ASSA.

    It's written for therapists to help their clients establish their own boundaries but I find the info valuable and clear enough to use for personal use.

    Definitely some helpful tips in this article:
    Build Better Boundaries

    No time for anything else including meditation?

    Talking about things only taking two minutes to do, did you know meditation can be done in two minutes? I didn't either but it's one of the secrets to meditation I've discovered lately.

    Do you ever run into the problem of wanting to do something you know would be beneficial but you don't feel like you have the time to fit one more thing into your schedule?

    That was me with meditation. The number one problem I'd run into with trying to incorporate meditation into my life is that I felt like I didn't have time to do it.

    I kept hearing about all these amazing things that can be achieved with meditation and I wanted to experience all those things too but even with the best of intentions, it would end up late at night and I'd remember I hadn't done it yet but then was too tired to do it and would say, "Tomorrow I will do it".

    But then I figured out that there's a number of false ideas surrounding meditation and that's what was really getting in my way. I was feeling overwhelmed due to a number of mistaken beliefs I had about meditation.

    So, here are the 6 things you need to know about meditation so you can actually do it.

    These are things people don't tell you.

    I wish someone had told me #4 right from the start and then I wouldn't have got so frustrated with it.

    Motivational Quote

    It is our own mental attitude
    which makes the world what it is for us.
    Our thoughts make things beautiful,
    our thoughts make things ugly.
    The whole world is in our own minds.
    Learn to see things in the proper light.

    Swami Vivekananda

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    Have a good week

    That's it for this week.

    Have a good week and I'll talk to you again in two weeks.


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    Please be advised that the opinions expressed here are purely those of the author, Catherine Pratt. You read and act upon it at your own risk.

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